Work in Japan
If you want to work in Japan, what do you have to do?
There are two important things to bear in mind when you apply for a working visa in Japan. Firstly you have to know which category your work belongs to and secondly your experience / qualifications should be of a level sufficient enough to apply for a working visa. Some require a degree from a university ( or equivalent ), others requires experience. If you are able to fulfill these two requirements, you have taken the first step. The next step, and it should be said is quite hard, is to look for a company that is not only willing to recruit a foreigner outside of Japan and is ready to sponsor a your working visa.
How working visa system works in Japan
Over thirty-one million people visited Japan ( including re-entry ) in the year of 2019 alone. The highest number of applications for a working visa, were for the Technical Intern Training (i)(b) visa, the Entertainment visa and the Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services visa.
If you are hired by a language school as an English language teacher, then you can work as a teacher under the “Specialist in Humanities / International Services” working visa category.
If you are hired by a company as a system engineer, then you can work as a system engineer under the “ Engineer “ working visa category.
If you are hired by a Chinese restaurant, then you can work as a chef of Chinese cuisine under the “ Skilled labor” working visa category.
This is how the visa system works in Japan. The visa allows you to do that specific activity / work only. If you engage in activities beyond your category, then you will be penalised.
* You can’t get the working visa without a job. And we, Visa Navi Japan, won’t look for a job / a sponsor company for the clients as we are not a job agent.