If you have been living in Japan as a spouse in a same sex married relationship and wish to extend the period of your stay under the current designated activity visa, you simply need to apply for an Extension of Period of Stay ( Zairyu kikan koushin kyoka ) “.
And if your husband / wife hasn’t changed jobs and there have been no significant changes in your life since your designated activity visa was granted, then this process is not so difficult to do.

The necessary documents are listed below: ( This is the minimum required documents and there is a chance that you will be asked for extra documents by the immigration officer. If so, please follow their request.) 

  1. The application form for Extension of Period of Stay
  2. A portrait photo ( 4cm x 3cm )
  3. A letter of guarantee ( Mimoto hoshou sho ) * Your spouse is the guarantor
  4. A marriage certificate issued within the 6 months prior to your application in your home country
    * Please attach the Japanese translation
  5. A residence record of the entire family ( Jumin hyou ) from your spouse
  6. A certificate of employment ( Zaishoku shoumei sho ) from your spouse
  7. The most recent tax payment certificate ( Nouzei shoumei sho / Kazei shoumei sho ) from your spouse
    * This is to show how much money your husband / wife earned in total as well as whether he/she’d paid the tax or not.
  8. A copy of your spouse’s passport and residence card (both sides)

* Please use documents / certificates / photos which have been issued within the 3 months prior to your application. 
* The documents you submit will not be returned to you.

When all the documents are ready, go to the immigration office which deals with the area in which you live. (Please take your passport and the current zairyu card with you. You have to show them at the immigration office.) It will take a month to 2 months until you hear your result.

Contact us

visanavijapan gyoseishoshi
We can help you with visa for the same sex married couple. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We can help you with visas for same sex married couples. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Although this process isn’t complicated If you would like me to handle it, or want to have a consultation ( Skype consultation costs 5,000 yen per hour ), please contact us through the consultation form.  .



Visa Navi Japan
Address : Ootemachi ko-ta-su 802 Ootemachi 5-14-10, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, Japan 730-0051
Open Hours : 9:00 – 19:00  Closed : Monday