Which documents do you need to have for everyday life in Japan?

Zairyu Card

If you are moving to Japan for a long period of time, you will need to obtain the Zairyū Card (在 留 カ ー ド). The Japanese word zairyū can be translated as ‘residence’. The Zairyū Card is the name given to the residence card in Japan.

It is also necessary for the resident to carry this card with him at all times in order to prove the resident status. The process for obtaining a residence card in Japan is very simple and is done right after immigration from the Japanese airport, as soon as you arrive in Japan. It is one of the most important documents, if not the most, to have while residing in Japan.

In Japan, foreign residents are required to carry the card with them at all times in order to prove their residence status. If you are caught without it, it is an offense punishable by law.

Shakai hoken

It is social insurance, it is a benefit for the worker and it is mandatory for the company to collect it with more than 5 employees. Even if the person is employed through an employment agency or so-called contractors, if they have more than 5 employees, they are required by law to enroll their workers.

This social insurance is a package:

・health insurance
・pension (retirement) insurance called kosei nenkin,
・old age care insurance

This package is inextricably linked, so the discounts always come together in the paycheck. In addition to these, the company must still collect unemployment insurance, despite not being part of the package. This ensures that the worker receives a certain amount proportional to his working time in the company if he is fired or when he leaves (in this case the value is different).

Workers aged 40 to 64 are required to collect kaigo hoken (old age care insurance) in the package. Workers in the 70 to 75 age group only contribute with the kenko shakai hoken or health insurance, because from the age of 70 he is disqualified for the collection of retirement insurance.

Workers over 75 have joined the chojuiryo seido or longevity health care system since April 2008.

Workers called part timer (paato taimaa), depending on the weekly workload or how many times a week they go to work, if this exceeds ¾ of the day of an effective worker, they are obliged to contribute.

Kokumin Kenkou Hoken

Japanese Health Insurance is mandatory for all residents of the country, whether they are natives, permanent residents, or foreigners visiting the country for three months or more – including students. Kokumin Kenkou Hoken (国民 健康 保 険) is available for those who do not have employee health insurance. You will receive treatment even when you are outside your city. You can see that it is controlled by the city (because the city is doing it on behalf of the Japanese government). And when you move to another city, you need to inform them.

It is mandatory to register within two weeks of becoming eligible – either due to job loss or change of residence. Those who do not register are liable to pay up to two years in arrears.

Zairyu Card it is only given to people with a visa with a duration over 3 months. Tourist visa does not give permission to have a Zairyu Card, so they have to come to Japan with their own health Insurance

– https://ipc.digital/120048/
– https://gogonihon.com/en/blog/seguro-saude-japones/
– https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Health_Insurance_
– https://blog.gaijinpot.com/understanding-the-japanese-health-insurance-system-part-1-2-how-much-custo-benefício /


Dany Utsumi

Dany Ustumi Conference and Event Planner / Virtual Assistant